“The more awareness we raise in our youth against hazards of smoking, alcohol and drugs, the better confidence we shall have for our future”

Smoking is one of the most serious threats against human health today by its addictive nature and free sale.

Smoking causes many health problems due to the toxic substances it contains. Those who dare to smoke also dare to take in their body more than 4000 cancerogenic and toxic substances such as arsenic (ratsbane), benzine, cadmium (battery metal), hydrogen cyanide (gas chamber poison), toluene (thinner), ammoniac and propylene glycol. The toxic substances that are taken into the body directly lead to diseases such as lung cancer, heart attack, hypertension, cerebral paralysis, dementia at elder ages (Alzheimer’s Disease), chronical bronchitis, and gastrointestinal diseases. Furthermore, it also triggers insomnia, stress, depression, and fatigue.

Hazards of smoking adversely impact not only the smoker themselves but also those who are exposed to the smoke. Impacts of being a passive smoker vary depending on the duration, intensity, and frequency of exposure.

According to the World Health Organisation, 1.3 billion people actively consume tobacco products globally. And every year approximately 8 million people lose their lives because of smoking. Out of 8 million, 7 million die directly because of smoking while 1.2 million die as passive smokers.

In Turkey, 3 out of every 10 people do smoke. A great fight was initiated under the leadership of H.E. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in 2004 to change this picture and to protect the lives of ours and our beloved ones. World Health Organisation has awarded H.E. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has carried on this fight against tobacco through restrictions aiming at warding tobacco off the society at every level from production to consumption, with “Global Fight Against Tobacco Success Award” for his endeavours in field of tobacco control.